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How To Determine Your Hairtype
November 22, 2021

How To Determine Your Hairtype

For haircare to deliver great results, specificity is key. Knowing your hair type will narrow down and determine the right products and treatments to help elevate your hair. Now, the world of hair types is quite complex, with several variants to determine your unique texture, appearance, and feel. Your hair type could be dry, thick, curly, and 3a all at once. If this sounds like gibberish to you, keep reading for the complete guide to determining your hair type.


There are four hair types: straight, wavy, curly, and coily. Within these textures are subtypes that specify your hair type even further. The subtypes that go from straight to coily, namely: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b, 3c, 4a, 4b, and 4c. Each number represents one of the four hair types: 1 being straight 2 wavy, 3 curly, and 4 coily. An illustration from Mind Body Green gives a visual on hair types:



You’ve seen the shampoos and conditioners labeled “for fine hair” and the like, but have you wondered which you are? Some may presume curly or coily hair types have the thickest hair, but the truth is the three textures, fine, medium, and thick are unique to everyone. The texture of your hair is the diameter of a single strand of hair.

Fine hair is the most fragile texture. It doesn’t hold a style well, tangles easily, and is more susceptible to damage. It is also incredibly soft!

Medium hair is often confused with thick hair because it populates the scalp densely. It is versatile and can be styled in a variety of ways. It is also referred to as ‘normal’ hair on styling products to convey its popularity as the most common texture.

Thick hair is the most resilient hair texture. It holds a style impeccably, tolerates heat and chemicals the most, and is overall less susceptible to breakage than fine or medium hair. Thick hair is referred to as ‘coarse’ hair because of its thickness per strand of hair; it often looks like people with thick hair have more hair.


Each hair type and texture has unique concerns based on the person’s hair history, the climate they live in, and lifestyle. The primary concerns are dryness, oily, color-treated, and compromised. Your hair type could fall into a couple of different categories, such as color-treated and dry.

Those experiencing dryness benefit from products that provide moisture, like OLAPLEX Nº.5, Nº.6, Nº.8, and the professional OLAPLEX 4-IN-1 treatment. For any hair type, bond-building is essential, especially for color-treated and compromised.

Identifying your hair type, texture, and concerns brings you closer to healthy, thriving hair because you can specifically address it and eliminate the bulk of trial and error. It may also help you understand any lifestyle and routine choices that affect your hair’s integrity. To jumpstart a hair routine for you, visit your local OLAPLEX certified stylist to create a haircare plan!

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