

When it comes to hair texture, everyone’s journey is always different — but now there’s a common denominator. OLAPLEX works amazingly on every hair type, but it especially shows its power with curls. This month, we’re celebrating all things hair texture with the hashtag #olatexture to showcase how wonderful curls look with OLAPLEX! As a fickle, fragile texture, haircare routines are notoriously fussy and timely to nail down. Lucky for curls, healthy hair is for everyone making OLAPLEX the perfect match.


There are three major categories of curls, each with their own sub-categories. The ones we most commonly refer to are waves, curls, and coils. As a curly gal myself, I know firsthand the nuances that having curls can bring, like how much more product I use than most straight textures, how dry my hair gets, and how just a little of damage goes a long way with the integrity of my hair. With multiple variations of a highly fragile texture, the impact OLAPLEX’s bond building technology makes is a world’s difference.


Bond building and moisture is a combination textured hair thrives off of. When your hair is healthy, it absorbs product better, meaning when you apply a moisture mask like OLAPLEX Nº.8, you’re repairing your hair and moisturizing. If you have yet to use OLAPLEX on your textured hair, this is the sign you’ve been waiting for. Going natural is a process. I’ve been there. At the time I went natural, I was treating my hair a few times a week, and each time saw my curl pattern gain a little more pep in its step.


We are living in the age of the natural hair movement, where once heat damaged textures restore to their natural state with OLAPLEX. I, for one, wouldn’t be rocking the curls I am today if it weren’t for diligent OLAPLEX treatments and best practices to get my curl pattern back to the way it was. Now, my routine is dominated by any OLAPLEX product I can get my hands on, namely Nº.3, Nº.8, and styling with Nº.9, Nº.6, and Nº7.


Is your hair besties with OLAPLEX? Do you have a texture or going natural story? We want to see anything related to your #OLAtexture on social media. Tag us so we can start swooning over your texture!